

The Loss of Personal Time|自分の時間の喪失

In the course of work and raising children, there are times when one may feel that their personal time is being lost. Ye...

On the Independence of Children|子どもの独立について

When children grow up and leave their parents' home, it is inevitable that a sense of emptiness will arise in the hearts...

The Issue of Illness Due to Aging|加齢に伴う病の問題

God has made life finite, and the path leading to its end is set in various ways. Illness that comes with aging is one s...

To Overcome|打ち克つとは

A revelation was given, to correct the misunderstanding of the meaning of "to overcome." To overcome does not necessaril...

On Savings|貯蓄について

You must not begin giving donations without first having savings. Savings provide peace of mind and serve as preparation...

On Avoiding Waste|無駄遣いについて

Avoiding waste is the path to maintaining peace of mind. It is ideal to own only one of each kind of item. Owning two is...

On Marriage|結婚について

A person does not live in isolation, but is supported by their family. The family, in turn, is upheld by the community, ...

On Community|コミュニティーについて

God created people as beings who cannot live alone. When isolated, we are weak, unable to face the many trials of life. ...

The Compassionate God|優しい神

God’s love is given to everyone equally. When misfortunes continue, we may feel that they are trials, and we might wonde...

Regarding Divorce|離婚について

God permits people to divorce. Though this decision brings pain and hardship, God watches over it all. God is fully awar...