

On Hobbies|趣味について

To find joy beyond the work necessary for life is one of the blessings bestowed upon us. Such joys bring healing to the ...

When You Lose Sight of Your Life’s Purpose|人生の目標を見失ったとき

When you lose sight of your life's purpose, quiet your mind and reflect on the finite nature of life that God has given....

Separation from a Loved One|大切な人との別れ

The separation from a loved one is never eternal. It is merely that we are walking different paths for a time. The perio...

Reading Books|読書

Reading is highly encouraged as part of the path of learning. The knowledge and experiences gained through reading expan...

The Value of Skilled Work|手に職

To possess a skill is to walk a path of great value in fulfilling one's duty as a believer. Earning a rightful reward th...

The Unfailing God|見捨てない神

God watches over all people equally, regardless of their attributes or circumstances, and assures them of a place in the...

The Compassionate God|共感する神

God does not reveal His form directly, nor does He provide clear answers to our inquiries. At times, it may seem as thou...

The Duty of Fasting|断食の義務

Believers are called to observe the sacred fast on the twelfth day of July each year. On this day, from the time the pre...

Limits on Giving|寄付の制限

Believers are not permitted to donate more than one-twentieth of their income. This limitation is set to avoid undue bur...

The Duty of Giving|寄付の義務

Believers should give heartfelt donations to those in need. The choice of whom to donate to is left to each believer, al...