
The Duty of Fasting|断食の義務

Believers are called to observe the sacred fast on the twelfth day of July each year. On this day, from the time the pre...

Limits on Giving|寄付の制限

Believers are not permitted to donate more than one-twentieth of their income. This limitation is set to avoid undue bur...

The Duty of Giving|寄付の義務

Believers should give heartfelt donations to those in need. The choice of whom to donate to is left to each believer, al...

Studying Science|科学を学ぶ

The study of science is a profound path of exploration for believers. The more one understands science, the more new wor...

The Duty of Learning|学習の義務

Believers are called to continue learning throughout their lives. It is good to challenge oneself with many pursuits and...

Offering a Seat|席を譲る

Good deeds are not necessarily difficult tasks. Simple acts of kindness, such as offering your seat to someone on a trai...

The Duty of Good Deeds|善行の義務

Believers are called to perform good deeds in their daily lives. These deeds encompass acts of compassion, assistance to...

The Anxiety of Death Given by Many Religions|多くの宗教が与える死の不安

Many religions separate the afterlife into heaven and hell, placing fear in the hearts of people. As a result, even in t...

Removing the Fear of Death|死の不安を取り除く

Through the power of the Eternal Being, we are granted a fleeting life in this world, and the path to unending rest is r...

The Afterlife|死後の世界

When life reaches its end, the soul is guided to the ideal world it has envisioned. In this world, everything—be it plac...